you can be, do, and have it all

regardless of your circumstances





transcend your limited identity, transform your life and business.

i believe you can totally be, do, and have whatever you regardless of your current situation

it doesn’t have to be hard.


Hi, I am
Sonita Nkenne

My clients call me the inner queen and business bad. i am here to help ypu to become the highest and best version of your self and to create a life and profitable business you are madly in love with.

i love support high achieving women like you to become the complete package by creating  success and abundance in all areas of their lives through the power inner work . my joy is to see you having the life and business  you have always dreamt of and this is why i love what i do.

I went from being broke and homeless as a single mom to creating my dream life, business, body, and relationship. (click below to learn more about me)

I’m a transformational life coach coach, certified trauma healer, business mentor, speaker, and the CEO of the rich and complete brand which is a multiple 6 figures brand that supports women to create a life of all-around freedom, success, and abundance.

My story is not that of an overnight success. But that resilience, self-leadership, and transformation.

And it is through this transformation process that we manifest what we desire with ease and grace.

If you’re ready to change your life, drop the mask of success and begin to feel like one on the inside – reach out.

Let’s have a chat and see how I can help you move forward in a way that feels aligned.

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my core belief is that you can have it all. you can be rich and complete. the total package

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