private mentorship experience

A transformational mentorship experience for the high-achiever who wants to have it all without compromise.

financially stuck

I know how it feels to be financially stuck, and i know what it means to be emotionally stuck.

financially stuck

I know how it feels to be financially stuck, and i know what it means to be emotionally stuck.

financially stuck

I know how it feels to be financially stuck, and i know what it means to be emotionally stuck.

financially stuck

I know how it feels to be financially stuck, and i know what it means to be emotionally stuck.

Girl, let's get real


Are you as happy and fulfilled as how successful you or your bank account looks?

If not we need to talk.

I know how intelligent, driven, and a goal-getter you are.

You have always done what it takes to get what want which has led to the success that you have created ..

But are you truly fulfilled and happy?

Like most of my clients, maybe on paper and publicly you appear successful but still feel like something is missing. Your personal happiness and fulfillment.

Perhaps Your business is stagnant and no matter what you do, you can’t just get to your next level. You feel stuck.

Or you are successful in one area of your life yet in other areas you are stuck, self-sabotaging, struggling with additions, driving your business to the ground with excessive spending, or your relationships are drowning and you are feeling more and more disconnected from yourself, your partner, or your loved ones..

You feel a certain degree of emptiness, loneliness, and stagnation, and are unhappy deep down on the inside.
Secretly you are burning out and your mental health is not in good shape.

You just want to feel more peace, prosperity, and power Deep down on the inside. you want to feel more fulfilled, achieve more success, and create more impact and wealth.

You have seen others achieve these realms of wealth, fulfillment, and happiness and you desire to achieve and experience as well.
There is a part of you that believes you can have it all even though others think you should just be happy and settle for what you have right now.

In fact, you know you are meant for it all.
The wealth, the health, the relationships, and the inner happiness🤗.

However, it has been challenging for you to find someone who understands the challenges you are dealing with as a successful entrepreneur, executive, high-net-worth individual, or spiritual person and who also firmly believes that you can have it all.

But as aligned as everything always is,
you’ve found me.

I get you and have been there.

“I’ve never felt more alone”, I thought to myself, knowing full well I’d just had a $ 50,000 cash day in my business.

I’d been so determined to succeed, for such a long time, that I disregarded everything else in my desire to build a life for myself and my son.

This was supposed to be freedom – but it didn’t quite taste like freedom. It’s not what I was imagining when I was working for free to build up my skills, or when I was devouring all the teachings and advice I could find online.

The truth is, I only ever felt worthy when my bank account looked good.

I’d attached my worth to money, to my career, to my professional success… and because of this, I always felt like it wasn’t enough.

Like I wasn’t enough.

Going from homelessness and living in a one-bedroom house with 6 other people, to having a beautiful home and building a successful business with a 3G internet connection from Africa was supposed to be everything.
It was supposed to make me feel good enough and free. So… why did I feel like there was a big, space in my soul that nothing seemed to fill?

Why was everyone else clapping for me but I couldn’t seem to clap for myself?

On the outside, I was the epitome of a thriving businesswoman. On the inside, I felt like an impostor, because I was burning out, stuck, lonely, and so unfulfilled. I could barely get myself out of bed every morning.

As soon as the sunlight hit my face and I slowly opened my eyes, I knew it was another 16 hours of going through the motions and pretending. Dreading the upcoming day.

Looking back, it comes as no surprise that I turned to all the wrong things to make myself feel happy and fulfilled – and, shocker… drowning my emotions in food and other addictive behaviors didn’t help (although who doesn’t love pizza🍕?!).

Neither did traveling around all the time, chasing a shred of fulfillment that never seemed to come.

I’d achieved so much, but I’d achieved it all from a wounded and masculine place because I thought this was the only way to succeed.

It’s no wonder I struggled to break through this income ceiling and to keep my wealth – everything in my life was disconnected.

I’d make 6 figures one month, and I’d lavishly spend it all on things to make myself feel better- but nothing on the outside could actually give me the peace and fulfilment i was looking for.

It’s no wonder none of the 5-star hotels, expensive vacations and even buying my dream car didn’t make me feel any better.

I had no friends, my relationships were suffering, and I felt more out of place than ever.

Freedom seemed to get further and further away from me until I realized I’d had enough.
There was no way I could keep doing this to myself.

You know that moment when you know we have a decision to make a bold decision right?
Does “I’ve had enough” mean changing… or does it mean going down even more paths that don’t serve you?

I went with option #1.

The change came gradually, but the initial realization hit me like a quantum leap when my coach at the time said :

In one simple word,
I had to do MY INNER WORK

Now like me back then, maybe you have read dozens of books, attended many boot camps, invested in therapy, watched some videos, tried meditating, and have invested in many coaches/healers and because of the knowledge you have, you assume that you have done your inner work.

But do you have the results you want? Do you really have it all?
I guess the answer is no.

That is because what you need is a deep integration of inner work and not information. this is beyond mindset work or DOING things to feel better.

It is the emotions, spiritual, mental, and business work all together. The integration, embodiment, and self-leadership work
It is about peeling off the wounds, releasing the emotional blocks, transcending the limited identity that you currently hold, coming back home to who you truly are, living in alignment, and building wealth from that place in the most effortless and aligned way.

The only way to have it all is to do the inner work and then create from that place.

As for me, I was halfway there with my financial success… but the most important half was missing.

Once I knew what had to be done, I embarked on the most transformational journey of my life – the same one I take my clients on today.

It’s through this soul work, through this process of inner work that my clients rediscover themselves and experience peace, true power, and more prosperity with ease.

Are you next?


Ready to Get Started?

financially stuck

I know how it feels to be financially stuck

financially stuck

I know how it feels to be financially stuck

financially stuck

I know how it feels to be financially stuck

financially stuck

I know how it feels to be financially stuck

financially stuck

I know how it feels to be financially stuck

financially stuck

I know how it feels to be financially stuck

Today, as the sunlight hits my face every morning,
I smile.

I take a moment to appreciate how incredible my life is, and how blessed I am to be here.

I don’t wonder about what could have been, because I know I was meant to be right here, in this moment all along.

Today, I don’t feel worthy because of what’s in my bank account or how many people are clapping for me. My wealth identity is forever changed.
I’m not worthy because I’m rich.
I’m worthy because I am.

For the first time in my life, my worth isn’t attached to anything.
Through inner work, I am a better entrepreneur, leader, parent, friend, and partner.

I found the path to having it all so I did everything I had to, to get there.

I invested my time and my money, and I allowed myself to let go of what I was conditioned to believe my whole life.

Isn't it time you experienced the same?

Isn’t it time you stopped wondering what’s missing, and felt rich and complete every single day?

I know you may be thinking ‘ “I can figure this out by myself”

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